Welcome to Slightly out of Shape Guy. I'm a guy in my early-30's who, like many people my age, has begun to let my body go. It's a phenomenon I've seen frequently among friends and colleagues, but one that I've only begun to experience myself over the past year or so, as I've cut down on physical activity, started a more sedentary job, and probably eaten less nutritiously.
This is my attempt at self-motivation. I'll be documenting some of my workouts here, though not every one, and updating the blog with pictures over time. My intent is not so much to improve the way that I look but, more importantly, to feel healthy again. Nevertheless, I know that this usually goes hand-in-hand with an improvement in physical appearance, and I want to document that, for whatever additional motivation it might provide.
So, here is t=0. I'm probably in the worst shape of my life right now and generally feel sluggish and unhealthy. Let's see where this goes...
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